The lake level is 552.91 and has dropped 1/2 inch in the last 24-hours with no generation today. You cannot believe the forecasted generation schedule from the Power company especially on weekends. All government officials stop work about noon on Friday and think things go on hold and wait for them to finally get back to work sometime on Monday. That is about 1/3rd of the week but we have allowed ourselves to get into this situation. The public servant has become the public master. This is the first time Norfork Lake has dropped below 553 in over two years and nobody knows why. It certainly has not been because of excess rain. That is always their excuse. I say it is because of incompetence. We need new management. The surface water temperature is 75-degrees and will drop with the upcoming fall weather starting tomorrow. The lake overall is in excellent condition and at a good level and fishing is getting better. The Norfork Lake Chamber had a fishing tournament yesterday to help finance the July 3rd fireworks and it had 63- boats and 12-lbs. won. It is a good cause but what really happens is that some of the best fishermen in the area show that they can catch fish even though the conditions are not the best. It was hot and sunny but the local Champion Boat Anglers endeavored to perservere.They will buy a $2,000 trolling motor, $2,000 live scope and a $20,000 new motor but will not give up their Champion Boat. I have four of them and agree. Fishing is getting better on Norfork and it needed to. I caught Crappie, Bass, Catfish and Bluegill and had a great time today and so did some of our guests. Pictures to follow. Scuba Steve knows where the fish are located and will show you where when you get here, We are family owned and operated and will not charge you too much. Blackburns Resort and Boat Rental has the best prices and the best place on both cabins and boat rentals in the Ozarks and is open all year. Come on down and check us out. Call Debie at 870-492-5115 for a reservarion. Scuba Steve will help you.