A beautiful day at Blackburns big dock. We like it here and are not for sale.
The lake level is 554.23 and has dropped 2-1/2 inches in the last 24-hours with 1-1/4 generators running for 18-hours. The White River at Newport is 5.30 feet and very low. The surface water temperature is 75-degrees and the weather is beautiful but a little cool this morning. It was our first night with lows in the high 40's. The lake remains a little cloudy down to 25-feet but clear after that. It is very important to use light clear line now and use your trolling motor sparingly. I am a believer that the sonar even spooks them sometimes especially when they have a tendency not to bite like they do now. I am finding more Crappie but they have been small and the Walleye are about 4-1 throwbacks. A Blackburns guest caught a 5-lb. Bluecat on a live Bluegill last evening and several small Crappie also. It is not good but you can get some if you work at it. It is just nice to be out there in the peace and quiet. Use a small spoon or live bait on a slip float over and around brush in 20-34 feet of water on windblown banks and main lake points or in open water part way back in the creeks again with a spoon vertical jigging. Drop-shotted jugs with live bait is also catching a few catfish. It will get better as the water cools. November is my favorite month to catch big fish on the spoon, grub and jig. Leaves are falling when the wind blows. Blackburns Resort and Boat Rental continues to have the best place, best location and the best price on both cabins and boat rentals in the Ozarks. You can get a 1-bedroom for $69/day or a 2-bedroom for $89/day. 3&4 bedrooms are also available at comparable prices. If you have your boat put away we have those also. A free stall for your boat at our big dock somes with a cabin rental of two days or more. You can launch and park right here and no need to go elsewhere to launch your boat. It is perfect for a single fisherman. All cabins are individual with no duplexes and all have big covered porches to get out of the weather. Come on down. We will not charge you too much and you will like it here.