Scuba Steve with a nice one this morning diving Blackburns Brush Piles. We will show you where when you get here.
The lake level is 554.66 and has dropped just a bit with 1-1/4 generators running for about 7-hours. The White River at Newport is 4.85 feet and is still very low. The surface water tmeperature is 75-degrees and the clarity is poor down to about 25-ft. and clear after that. We received another 1.2 inches of rain total and the creeks run but not hard. The weather is to be good for the next week with highs in the 80's. Several fish are 20-34 feet down at various water depths with some on shad and others on this years hatch of Bluegill, Bass, Fatheads and Creek Minnows. Find the baitfish and the predator fish will be closeby but that does not mean they will bite. Fishing overall is just fair but a few nice ones are being caught everyday. Scuba Steve has been diving in the mornings and pole fishing in the evening. Diving conditions are still good with Walleye being the best. I am not seeing as many Crappie as I was but have been concentrating on Walleye and get a crappie or two as a bonus. No big schools. Bink is still catching some nice White bass and a few smaller Stripers in 50-ft. of water 30-ft. down on steep banks using his jigging spoon. The lake overall is in excellent condition and at a good level. You can catch some Bass early and late beating the windblown banks or fishing right over brush. Top-water is sporatic. This is to be a perfect week to take the boat our for a nice cruise and enjoy the weather while the water is still warm for swimming. Give Debbie a call at 870-492-5115 for a reservation and rent one of out Pontoon Boats for a last summer fun time. You can get a 1-bedroom cabin for $69/day and a 2-bedroom for $89/day with 3&4 bedrooms priced accordingly. Pontoons start at $115/day plus gas and oil. Come on down. We will not charge you too much and it is nice here. We especially welcome Veterans and Police and are family owned and operated.