Norfork Lake Arkansas near Mountain Home in the Ozarks Mountains Region Fishing Report and Lake Condition by Scuba Steve from Blackburns Resort and Boat Rental.

Scuba Steve with some nice ones diving on Saturday. Image title

The lake level is 554.97 and has dropped 3/4 of an inch in the last 24-hours with 1-1/4 generators running for about 5-hours. No generation is scheduled for today. The White River at Newport is 3.96 feet and very low. They just will not drop Norfork for some unknown reason and are keeping it too high. The surface water temperature is 78-degrees and we received 0.6 inches of rain total on Thursday and Friday with more forcasted for today and tomorrow. Warm weather and sunny skies are to be after that. Everything is very green and I have to mow the grass constantly. It is better than brown and dusty. Scuba diving conditions are good but the cloudy skies are not helping visibility any. It is pretty good when the sun shines. Blackburns has several divers in. The best bite right now is White Bass part way back in the wind blown creeks on a jigging spoon. Some Crappie, Bass and Walleye are on main lake points on brush in 25-32-feet of water. It is important to look in the creeks and banks that the wind has been blowing into. It can change directions as it blows through the winding river channel. If you watch you can tell the wind direction shifing as the channel swings. If the wind is from the North Blackburns Creek holds a lot of fish. Just look for the bait fish and drop a spoon. Casting a Rooster Tail works for the White Bass also. You just have to get down to them. Overall fishing is just fair and I do not care about the White Bass. They are fun to catch but not much of a prize. I like Walleye, Crappie, Bluegill, Kentucky Bass and Flathead Catfish. Things are looking good here at Blackburns and you can get a 1-bedroom cabin for $69/day and a 2-bedroom for $89/day and they  come with a free stall for your boat at our dock. No extra charges here unless you bring the Queen Mary. We have lots of boats to rent. Compare prices and give Debbie a call at 870-492-5115 for a reservation. It is nice here and the price is right. We especially welcome Veterans and Police. Scuba Steve is a Veteran but does not require as much Policing as he used to for some reason. As he got a little older they laid off four Mountain Home Policemen.