The lake level is 556.47 and is dropping quicky with 1-3/4 generators running about 18-hours. It dropped 3-inches yesterday and the same amount of generation is scheduled for today. The White River at Newport is 8.74 feet and remains low and they are holding all of the area lakes up too high. Norfork is the only one over the top of the power pool. but the others are hovering around it. The surface water temperature is 84-degrees and the thermocline starts at 30-feet but is not very pronounced and just gradually gets colder. It was 79-degrees at 30-feet. The lake is fairly clear down to just above the thermocline and the visibility diminished at and below it. I did not go below 34-feet because I could not see much. The steep rocky banks are more clear and the clarity improves a little as you go south. I am fishing in the Robinson Point area now and there are quite a few Crappie that have recently moved into the 30-ft. brush. They are spooky and roaming. There are a lot of baitfish in the brush but several of the larger Bass are gone. Some White Bass and Kentucky Bass have moved part way back into the windblown creeks in 25-30 feet of water on the baitfish in the evening. The walleye are at the ends of Main Lake points at the drop[-offs in about 35-ft. of water but hard to get diving as there is no visibility there. Pole fishing with a 1/2 ounce Bink's Spoon is best for them Try a White with red eye or an Arkansas Shiner. Use clear 6-8 pound line and tap bottom. There are a lot of nice Bluegill on shallower brush on small spoons or live minnows. The big moon, clear skies and dropping river are not doing Catfishing any good but a few are being caught. Some are with the Walleye. Fishing overall is just fair but not bad. There are a lot of Kentucky Bass out there. Things are changing rapidly and you have to be out there every day to keep on it. A few days old fishing report is no good. Fish the banks that the wind is blowing into. The longer it has been from the same direction the better. One day the fish are loaded up on one point and the next they are gone but have just moved across the lake with the wind. Go to where a creek comes into the main lake and fish both sides.out on the points especially if they have brush or big chunk rocks. You can get a one bedroom cabin for $69/day and a two bedroom for $89/day with 3&4 bedrooms priced accordingly starting on September 3rd here at Blackburns. Pontoon Rentals start a $115/day and up. We have 12- of those to choose from and several full service Bass Boats. Compare prices and call Debbie at 870-492-5115 for a reservation. A free stall for your boat comes with a cabin rental of two days or more. It is nice here and we will not charge you too much. Scuba Steve will help you with fishing tips. Listen to KTLO FM 97.9 on Tuesdays and Fridays at 8:20 A.M. and 1:15 P.M. for a Norfork lake Condition report by Scuba Steve and at 8:40 AM on Thursdays for "Live in the Boat" with Bink's Guide Service and be the first to know what is happening on Norfork lake. We will keep you informed. Call Darrel at 870-499-7384 for a guided fishing trip.