Norfork Lake Arkansas near Mountain Home in the Ozarks Mountains Region Fishing Report and Lake Condition by Scuba Steve from Blackburns Resort and Boat Rental.

Caught on the Bink's White with red eye spoon. Image title

The lake level is 556.18 and is down 2-3/4 inches in the last 24-hours with generation about 1/2 the time. The White River at newport is 6.45 feet and very low indicating not much water is being released anywhere. We will see if they quit when we get lower than the top of the power pool of 555.75 because they have been very reluctant to do so.  The surface water temperature is 86-degrees and the water remains clear with the thermocline starting at 30-feet and very cold at 35-feet. The lake is in excellent condition for swimming, boating, diving and fishing. The boat traffic is light and it is a good time to visit the lake before the Labor Day holiday and the mad house. The holidays and weekends have had very heavy boat traffic this year with not so much during the week. I am alway happy when the last holiday is over. Blackburns Resort and Boat Rental still has two cabins open for Labor Day so give Debbie a call ay 870-492-5115 before you have to pay way too much for a cabin and boat rental elsewhere. Some even charge for their first boat stall at their dock if they have one. You can launch here, park here and put your boat in a free stall and be done with that until you are ready to leave. You do not have to go elsewhere to launch or go down a cliff on a rough road. Our big pool with slide and baby pool is open so come on down. We will not charge you too much. We especially welcome Veterans and Police. Old Glory and the Thin Blue Line Flag fly proudly over Blackburns. There are still several fish on Blackburns Brush piles and the dropping water is making them just at the right level. Start at 30-feet on brush and tap bottom with a 3/8th ounce Bink's Spoon around the brush. and you can catch Walleye, Bass, Crappie and Bluegill. Bink is fishing his 1/2 ounce white with red eye spoon in 38-feet on main lake points near the bottom for the larger walleye. If you can find large chunk rocks near the end of points where they drop offf there will be Walleye on them. Live bait fishermen are dragging shad and shiners through shad in 60-ft. of water in front of Quarry Marina for Stripers. Fishing is fair overall but not easy. You can catch the most fishing for Kentucky Bass in brush with a spoon. I will let you know when the big schools of crappie move in to the brush from the main lake.