The lake level is 560.20 and has dropped 1-inch in the last 24-hours with five hours of generation. The same is scheduled for today. They have forecasted the lake will be at 555.75 by 13 August but they are going to have to get with it if they are to meet their own predictions. The White River at Newport is 7.22 feet and very low and they are reluctant to release much water anywhere but all other area lakes are below the top of the power pool except Norfork. The surface water temperature is 87-degrees this morning and the water is clear with 5-6 feet of visibility at the thermocline. The thermocline starts at 30-feet and is very cold at 35. Several fish of different species are at this level. Stripers are deeper in about 60-feet in front of Quarry Marina and the largest Walleye are in about 40-ft. just off the bottom on points with chunk rock and brush at that depth. Several White Bass are in front of the docks at Mallard Point in 25-30 ft. of water and can be caught spooning or dragging a Rooster Tail through them. Bass are moving in to feed in the evening on Crawdads and hanging around main lake brush during the Day. Catfishing is fair on live Bluegill and shiners at night. Scuba Diving Conditions are very good and several Crappie have moved in to Main Lake Brush in about 25-30 feet of water on top of the brush and roaming. Good sized Bluegill are everywhere and biting crickets and small Bink's Spoons. Find cover and there will be Bluegill on it. Blackburns Resort and Boat Rental continues to have the best place and the best price on both cabins and boat rentals in the Ozarks. All cabins are individual with no duplexes and all have big covered porches to get out of the sun. Come on down and we will not charge you too much. A free stall for your boat comes with a cabin rental of two days or more at our dock.You can launch here, park here and not have to go elsewhere to launch your boat. We have it all and at the best price. 870-492-5115 for a reservation.