Norfork lake Arkansas near Mountain Home in the Ozarks Mountains Region Fishing Report and Lake Condition by Scuba Steve from Blackburns Resort and Boat Rental.

Scuba Steve with a nice one diving. He likes those walleye. Image title

The lake level is 559.61 and has risen 1/2 inch in the last 24-hours with no generation for two days. They just started generating at 9AM this morning. The White River at Newport is 7.66 fet and very low indicating not much water is being released anywhere. They are running Table Rock and Bull Shoals and holding Norfork up high. All of the area lakes are below the top of the power pool except Norfork which is high and not scheduled to get there until early August. We are like the ugly step-child and are being punished for some unknown reason. The lake management must not like us but there is no acoountability and they can do what they want. It is being managed like the border. When the moon is small, the weather is cloudy with l;ow pressure and the lake is rising when they quit generating, it is good for Catfishing at night with live bait. Use 3-4 inch Bluegill or Shiners. Bass fishing is also good with a black light, flourescent line and flourescent salt craws on a jig head at and after dark. Red meat fish are in deep water and hitting spoons about 50-ft. down. It is a good time to leave them alone as they all die when brought up from deep water this time of year no matter their size. Big Bluegill including Red Ear are on brush, under willows and off docks on worms and crickets. It looks to rain heavily tonight and tomorrow but good weather after that. We will see what happens. They change the forecast quite often. In the mean time the lake is in good condition for boating, Diving, swimming and fishing. Give Debbie a call at 870-492-5115 for a reservation. Blackburns continues to have the best prices on both cabins and boat rentals in the Ozarks and a free stall for your boat at our dock comes with a cabin rental of two days or more. Come on down and check us out. We will not charge you too much and we are pet friendly, and especially welcome Veterans and Police. Cabins start at $90/day and pontoons start at $115/day and we have 12-of them to rent. Sorry we do not allow any of our boats to be out after dark or drag anything behind them. If you want to do that you can stay here and rent a boat from a marina. Be prepared to pay $. You have to really want to do it.