Darrel from Bink's Guide Service with some of this morning's catch.
The lake level is 555.87 and has risen 3-inches in the last 24-hours.It is up a total of 2.3 feet since the heavy rain in the Ava, Missouri area. I always watch how much rain they get in Ava, Gainsville and Dawt Mill to tell what is going to happen on Norfork Lake. They are back in the pattern of running the one operating generator for about 8-hours a day and opening spillway gates to an equivalent of 1/3rd generator. The top of the power pool rises to 556.75 in a few days and we will see if they drop the level below that. They are running Bull Shoals very heavily and it is below their power pool. There is a good chance of rain later this week. The surface water temperature is 67 degrees on the main lake and near 70 in the creeks and is starting to warm more quickly with the warm nights. The water on the main lake is very clear and stained a little green in the creeks.Overall the lake is in excellent condition and at a good level. There is some small debris in the Cranfield area but it is not hurting anything. Fishing is picking up a bit but the top-water bite is slow coming and sporatic. You cannot depend on It. Open water fishermen are catching a few walleye but mostly White Bass and some Hybrids. The Stripers will come up when the surface water temperature on the main lake gets to 70 and the Threadfin Shad spawn. The Gizzard Shad have already spawned and have created a little top-water but there are not nearly as many of them. When the summer thermocline forms in about 16-ft. of water the walleye bite is the best and they will be on main lake points and biting jigging spoons near the bottom. The Crappie that I am catching are mostly singles and are near any wood back in the creeks casting jigs and grubs with minnows. The big Crappie want to spawn badly and a few are with more everyday. This process goes on for a long time. Kentucky bass can continue to spawn well into June. Black Bass are about 1/2 finished. Next week would be an excellent time to visit Norfork Lake and Blackburns resort and Boat Rental. We also have a few opening for the Memorial Day weekend. Give Debbie a call at 870-492-5115 for a reservation before we fill up and you are forced to pay much more for a Cabin and boat rental elsewhere. Come on down. We will not charge you too much.