Norfork Lake Arkansas near Mountain Home in the Ozarks Mountains Region Fishing Report and Lake Condition By Scuba Steve from Blackburns Resort and Boat Rental.

Caught fishing with Bink's Guide Service yesterday. WOW. Scuba Steve likes those. Image title

The lake level is 553.72 and stable with the one operating generator running for about 8-hours. I had 63-degrees surface water temperature on the main lake and 67-degree in Blackburns Creek last evening. The main lake remans clear and you can see your lure down 10-12 feet on the main lake and the creeks change almost daily with the wind and generation but are a little green but very clear near the shore. The Bass are staging for spawn and I do not fish beds because the Bluegill are ready and waiting for the males to leave the beds and eat all the eggs and fry in just a few minutes. I would like the water to stain up near the shore until the spawn is over so people cannot see the beds. I am seeing Bass come up early and late but still no evidence of a Shad Spawn. When they do you will see more pictures of stripers and White Bass. Black Bass on Creature baits beating the banks and Crappie casting Bobby Garland Baby Shad blue Ice in color remain the best both part way back in the creeks are the best bites and lures. Walleye are also on pea gravel banks about 15-20 feet from the bank on soft plastics. I am not a meat hunter and do not troll or fish in the dark but some are also catching fish jigging a grub and trolling crank baits. There is no way that I am going to charge out there at 3AM. That is the time that I used to get home. The lake is warming and things are changing everyday but several guests are catching a lot of crappie off Blackburns Dock and nice ones too. I have a lot of brush under there and feed them twice a day.  If you want more information on Norfork Lake you can also go to fishing page and listen to KTLO 97.9 FM at 8:20 AM and 1:20 PM on Tuesdays and Fridays and the same channel at 8:40 AM on Thursdays for "Live in the Boat" with Binks's Guide Service and you will be the first to know what is happening on Norfork Lake. Give Debbie a call at 870-492-5115 for a reservation before we fill up and you will be forced to pay much more elsewhere. If you are not Staying at Blackburns Resort and Boat Rental you are paying too much. We have it all here and at the best price and are the family place. No drama with peace and quiet.