it looks like Spring here now. Not so much on Monday.
The lake level is 553.61 and has risen 2.4 inches in the last 24-hours. They always seem to stop generating when it rains to maximize the raise and quit at 5:PM last night just when it was raining. Everything is still shut off. We recived 0.6 inches in the afternoon with the storm and another 0.7 inches last night for a total of 1.3 inches. We needed the rain. The creeks did not run.I was in town in the afternoon when it started and it rained very hard with small hail but when I got back to the resort there was not any damage. We missed another one but it had me concerned. There was a lot of lightning and some power outages but not here. Another cold front is coming in on Sunday with lows near 30 and a cold Monday and Monday night with clear skies. They just keep coming through. The White River at Newport is 7.75 feet and low. The surface water temperature remains at 54-degrees on the main lake and a little warmer in the creeks. The creeks warm in the sunshine and then cool again with the cold fronts. The main lake is rising very slowly and is very clear. Clear water does not warm very fast. The lake level was 558.71, the White River at Newport was 24.55 fet and the surface water temperature was 52-degrees on this date last year. and they flooded us out at the end of the Month. I would really like it if it did not happen this year but they refuse to drop the level in the winter. As long as they do not let it get above 560 things are fine. I am glad March is 1/2 over and it is my least favorite month for fishing followed by October. May is the best month with the combination of weather and fishing for a visit. The summer I go diving. Fishing overall is just fair at best with bass being the best bite. A few red meat fish are being caught but the White Bass have gone North to spawn. The stripers will go shallow to spawn at night soon with the upcoming full moon. Walleye are coming back south after the spawn and I am catching a few. Crappie are all mixed up and roaming. Some 60-degrees water temperatures wil send the males back in the creeks. Briar Creek is a good place to stert up North and Pigeon West. Blackburns is still the home of the $59/day 1-bedroom cabins and $79/day 2-bedrooms and a stall for your boat is free at our dock. All cabins are individual with no duplexes and all have big covered porches. No price increases for 2024. We especially welcome Veterans and Police. Give Debbie a call at 870-492-5115 for a reservation. We will not charge you too much and it is nice here.