Norfork Lake Arkansas near Mountain Home in the Ozarks Mountains Region Fishing Report and Lake Condition by Scuba Steve from Blackburns Resort and Boat Rental.

Norfork Lake Family Fun here at Blackburns Resort and Boat rental. Your children love it here. Image title

The lake level is 553.75 and is exactly at the top of the power pool. They usually slow way down when it goes just below this and the Power Company takes control of the generation. They then let it rise above 553.75 and then try to get it down to it again. There is no effort to drop the lake level in the winter to make room for the spring rains. It has dropped 1-1/4 inches in the last 24-hours with the one operating generator running about 40% of the time and spillway gates open continuously just a bit. The surface water temperature is 48-degrees on the main lake with pockets of a little warmer water out of the wind. The shallow creeks warm faster than the main lake. The water clarity varies from day to day in the creeks but you can see your lure down about 9-feet on the main lake. The White River at Newport is 12.17 feet, leveled off and it looks like they are regulating it at 12-feet. It has been very low most of the winter but higher until recently. Overall the lake is in good condition and at a good level but fishing is just fair. I have been bass fishing with some success but am about ready to switch back to crappie until the walleye get back. It is taking me longer to get my limit of 5 keeper fish a day than normal and I have to work for them. Trollers are working harder for red meat fish but some are being caught. It gets old running the lake and searching for hours for bait, catching one fish and looking all over again. They are moving around a lot but always check windblown banks first especially if it has been blowing from the same direction for more than one day. I have been using small spoons, jigs, grubs and minnows on brush in about 23-feet of water for the bass early and beating the banks with a grub late. The weather has been beautiful with rain tomorrow and then nice again with 70-degree temperatures next week. We are doing a lot of things to make things nice for you at Blackburns and if you are in the area stop by and check us out. You will like what you see. Start watching for price increases as it is time they start trying to sneak them in. There will be no price increases at Blackburns for 2024. If you listen to the radio tune in to KTLO FM 97.9 on Tuesdays and Fridays at 8:20 AM and 1:18 PM and listen to a Norfork Lake condition report by Scuba Steve and on Thursdays at 8:40 AM for "Live in the Boat" with Darrel from Bink's Guide Service for a fishing report and tip of the day and you will be the first to know what is going on on Norfork Lake. Give Debbie a call at 870-492-5115 for a reservation. You will like it here and a free stall for your boat at our dock comes with the cabin.