Scuba Steve took these and some crappie to Tom Kelly's Trophy pond. It is ready for some spring fishing.
The lake level is 554.03 and rising slowly with no generation and just a bit coming out of the spillway gates. The White River at Newport is 16.99 feet and dropping quickly. I found some water temperature from 46-48 yesterday but it is not dropping. The water had cleared from the day before and I could see my lure down 7-8 feet on the main lake and more clear nesr the shore. The creeks are still stained green. It was a little windy yesterday and swirling and hard to get out of but it layed just before sunset and I was able to fish where I wanted effectively. I needed some bass to finish stocking Tom Kelly's trophy pond for the spring so the pressure was on. I picked up a couple of crappie and then the bass started biting. I was vertical Jigging a Bink's Spoon in the brush just around a main lake point. I caught three and it was getting dark and ended a beautiful, warm and peaceful day on the lake. I really like being outside even when the fish are not biting very well. There were some White Bass right at the mouth of Blackburns Creek earlier and I dropped a spoon and caught one to find out what they were and then moved on. They are fun to catch but I prefer walleye, crappie, Kentucky Bass and flathead catfish. After you cut the red meat out not much left. Now is the time to book your trip to Norfork before Blackburns fills up and you are forced to pay a lot more elsewhere, Some even charge for your first boat stall. Some do not have a dock and some you have to go elsewhere to launch. We have it all here at Blackburns. Compare prices and call Debbie at 870-492-5115. We are closest to Mountain Home dining and shopping and near the middle of the lake close to good fishing. Scuba Steve will show you where his brush piles are located. You can also get pizza and samdwiches delivered here.