Norfork Lake Arkansas near Mountain Home in the Ozarks Mountains Region Fishing Report and Lake Condition by Scuba Steve from Blackburns Resort and Boat Rental.

Alec Gragg with some nice ones.Image title

The lake level is 554.45 and has risen 1-3/4 inches in the last 24-hours with spillway gates open to an equivalent of 3/4 of a generator. The creeks run yesterday with the 1/2 inch of rain and the remaining ice and snow melting. The frost is out of the ground in sunny places but not in shady or north facing hills. The surface water temperature was 45-degrees yesterday in the afternoon with some brief sunshine. The ambient temperature was in the mid 50's. It is to rain again tonight. The water has stained up a little green and I could see my lure down about 4-feet. The White River at Newport is 18.76 feet is leveling off. I would be surprised if they let it get much higher. They could let it go to 21-feet if they wanted to and to 24-feet and not hurt anything. We should have good weather for the next week after the rain ends tomorrow.  The fish just are not biting very well. Open water fishermen are getting some small stripers in the 5-8 pound range but are working hard to get them. Some Bass and White Bass are with them. Us Crappie and Bass fishermen are catching some but also working for them. About 3/4 of the fish that I am catching are from sundown to dark. The rest of the time it is tough but I am usually able to get my self-imposed limit of 5-crappie and two bass. I release most of them anyway. The ice is about gone out of my live well. It is nice to be out there and not be cold and have everything you wear have a battery in it. I do not like to run an outboard motor in very cold weather. It is hard on everything. Be careful when you go out there after cold weather. If the plumbing freezes up in your bilge, live well or aerator or if the valve breaks. It takes a long time to thaw and you will not know until you are out on the lake. Drain everything out when you come in or if you are on a lift. I have seen several boats swamped after cold weather over the years. If the water goes in over the motor cap it can be very expensive and can get into the gas tank. Warranty will not cover this.  Cold weather also eats batteries. It is best to keep a battery tender on all batteries all winter. Most electronic battery chargers will not work properly on dead batteries and they will freeze up and ruin them. Battery prices have doubled in the last 3-years along with everything else except for Blackburns resort and Boat Rental prices.   Give Debbie a call at 870-492-5115 for a reservation and we will not charge you too much. Your first boat stall is free. Some charge for them, We do not. Some ask how do I catch open water fish while trolling?  The answer is get a good fish finder and go look until you find broken schools of shad and drag an umbrella or live bait through them. Not much skill but it is effective if you need meat.