Adam and Isaiah McMackins with some nice ones.
The lake level is 554.30 and is up 3-1/2 inches in the last 24-hours. We received about 2-inches of rain in the last three days and the creeks are running but not fast. The lake will not rise for long as there are five flood gates open and a lot of water is coming out. I could not tell by looking how much. The White River at Newport is 13.72 feet and rising and will come up some more depending on how long they leave the gates open. Both generators are still inoperable and have been for months. One was to be on line in November. The surface water temperature is 45-degrees and the ambient temperatures are warming up into the 50's but the frost is not out of the ground yet. It has been very foggy and damgerous to be out on the lake. I have been staying close to the dock so I will not hit anybody. You cannot go out on the lake and run on GPS in this weather unless you really hate the fish and do not care about other boaters. Lights and listening does not work in dense fog. The warm weather is to be followed by more rain later this weekend. It is nice to have a break from the cold weather. Fishing is only fair but some nice ones are being caught everyday. They are mostly crappie, bass, white bass and small stripers. There are not many boats out there but the warm weather should bring out more. The lake is in excellent condition and at a good level and it looks to be a good spring so far. Give Debbie a call at 870-492-5115 for a reservation and we will not charge you too much. A free boat stall comes with your cabin. Scuba Steve will show you where the best brush piles are located.