Mike Eakle with some nice ones caught on Blackburns Resort and Boat Rental brush piles.
The lake level is 554.05 and has risen 2-inches in the last 24-hours with no discharge from the dam except minimum flow. We received 1.3 inches total of rain. The White River at newport is 2.42 feet and very low and dropping. The surface water temperature is 49-degrees. It is in the high 30's now for an ambient temperature and is to be very nice tomorrow and Thursday and then go down hill from there with very cold temperatures Sunday through Tuesday. I do not recall ever seeing temperatures below zero but they are predicting that for Monday night. Every time there is a new weather report it predicts colder. If you even think there might be a chance there is some moisture in the lower unit of your boat and it is on a lift you should drop it down into the water. There will be some ice forming near the shore back in the creeks and the shallow water will drop in temperature drastically. I have seen ice out to the mouth of Blackburns Creek before and it did not even get as cold as they are predicting. There will be a lot of things freeze up and we will not know where until it thaws. I will enjoy the next couple of days and then turn on heaters and drip water. I have lived in Northern Maine and Minnesota but just cannot get used to the cold and do not like it. Snow is not beautiful especially if you have to work outside in it but it not as bad as tornadoes or hurricanes. One good thing is that I am catching some nice fish.