The lake level is 555.57 and has risen 1/2 inch in the last 24-hours with no discharge from the dam except minimum flow. We are approaching the top of the power pool of 553.75 where they usually start letting some water out. There has been no effort to drop the lake for the winter. They seem to like high water. The surface water temperature was 52-degrees this morning and it was a cold day. If I did not have to write this report I would have not gone out. I do not write reports from the sofa or the beach from vacation and am out there every day. I have no desire to go anywhere else. I saw three other boats out there and two were from Blackburns and another was trolling his brains out with an umbrella. We caught a few nice crappie, a few large bluegill, a couple of bass and no walleye. I do not know where they are but suspect they are in open water on shad. They are not on brush piles but if they are they are not biting. Fishing overall is fair but the lake is in excellent condition and at a good level for fishing. People that say wind is your friend and want cold weather are getting their way but I do not see them out there. They may be where I am not. The White River at Newport is 3.34 feet and still very low. It is important to watch this level. It will give you an insight on what is happening. I like the days getting longer but would like it warmer. After January 1st spring is on the way. We are getting a lot of improvements done here at Blackburns and have no intentions of raising prices. We do not expect you to pay for our vacations even though we do not take one. Come on down. We will not charge you too much and your first boat stall is free at our dock. Some charge for it. We do not. We want out customers to have an affordable vacation.Loyalty is good until they have their hand in your pocket.