Chrisrmas Cookie Baking Time at Blackburns. Yes we are the family place and have a lot of fun.
The lake level is 557.27 and has been the same for 4-days with no discharge except minimum flow. Both generators are still inoperable. The White River at Newport is 2.98 feet and very low. There is no effort to drop the lake for the winter and make space for spring rains. The surface water temperature is 55-degrees and dropping slowly. The weather has been beautiful. The water clarity is also the same but may be clearing just a bit. I can see my lure down about 6-feet in the sunshine. I went fishing last evening and caught 2-crappie and two bass in about two hours. They are not biting during the middle of the day much and I am catching most of mine after sunset until it is too dark to see and then they quit and do not start very fast in the first place but improve from nothing. It can go from not biting much for 2-3 days and then bite pretty good for 1. Some people cold weather, some want high winds but I want it to stay warm and sunny and am not out to find out how many fish I can kill but the bite could improve just a bit. If you are have family visiting for the holidays and have no room give Debbie a call at 870-492-5115. We are open all year and have an individual cabin for them and are closest to Mountain Home, dining and shopping. Pizza can even be delivered. They can watch birds, deer and other wildlife from there individual cabin with no duplex under the big covered porch or cook out on the grill and take a walk to the dock and feed the fish. and explore our 26-acres. We have peace and quiet here while still being close to town and are the family place at the best price.