Scuba Steve with more fish taken to Tom Kelly's Trophy pond. It is stocked well for the spring.
The lake level is 553.33 and dropping slowly with no discharge except minimum flow for weeks. The White River at Newport is 3.59 feet and dropping and very low. The surface water temperature is 56+ degrees and the water remains fairly clear on the main lake and Scuba Steve could see his lure down about 5-6 feet yesterday. The creeks are more stained but at a good color. It was very windy yesterday and hard to get out of but I found a couple of good places and caught a few nice fish. I do not mind a little Walleye chop but prefer it to be out of the south from 5-10. The best time to go is after the high pressure has been around for a while and and a low pressure front is on it's way and I like to fish until it rains me out or I can see it coming from the northwest. The idea that the worse the weather the better the fishing is not for me. I do not hate them that bad. A strong north wind and cold conditions needs to be left for the meat hunters and the ones liking big white caps. I go out there everyday but some are much shorter than others. I have designated areas to fish in about any conditions but out there on the main lake bobbing around like a slip float in white caps catching White Bass is not for me. Casting a jig or a jig tipped with a minnow when it is windy past the brush and letting it sink into it is working the best for me at this time. When there is low wind vertical jig a small spoon right in the brush. If you try spooning in any place except open water with windy conditions it will drag sideways and you will lose your spoon. A water depth of 18-23 feet seems to work the best for both bass and crappiel at this time. I am not catching as many large bluegill as I was a few days ago but the crappie are biting better especially just at sunset. Bass fishing is also getting better especially largemouth. They are near the bottom in front of and in brush. There are a lot of White bass being caught in open water on shad but I am not interested in them. I prefer Walleye, Crappie, Bluegill, Kentucky Bass and Flathead catfish for eating and Crappie, Walleye and Black Bass for catching especially Smallmouth. Fishing overall is getting better and was over a month late in getting here for some reason. Some fish are very skinny where they were all fat earlier in the summer. We are getting a lot of improvements done here at Blackburns and invite you to come and check us out if you are in the area for the holidays. We are the best place, have the best price and are closest to Mountain Home, dining and shopping. No we are not on vacation or for sale but are open all year.