John Bornhop with the fish of the day yesterday.
The lake level is 553.63 and has risen 2-1/2 inches in the last 24-hours with no discharge at the dam and we received 2-inches of rain. It rained most of the day yesterday and the creeks did run a bit but not bad and there was no wind. It is raining lightly now. The top of the power pool is 553.75 so we are getting close. Most of it sunk in and it did not hurt anything. We were starting to get dry but not now. The White River at Newport is 3.17 feet and has leveled off but is still very low. The surface water temperature is 78-79 degrees and starting to drop with the cooler ambient temperatures. Diving conditions remain good and fishing is getting better every day. Crappie and Kentucky Bass remain the best bite but a few walleye and smaller stripers are showing up. Some Smallmouth and Largemouth are also mixing in with the crappie and Kentuckies. Several fish of different species are in and around main lake brush from 18-25 feet of water with the bluegill being on top. The pea gravel banks that had held no fish now have many including a few keeper walleye. The top-water bite is spotty at best but a few are coming up early and late. Fall fishing is about 2-weeks ahead of normal with the early lake turnover. Few fish are below 40-feet where there is little oxygen. A slip float with a live minnow and a small jigging spoon are both working well on brush but do not use both at the same time. I cannot drive more than one pole at a time anyway. I am catching a few on the crappie jig but not many. The rest of October and November look good so far. Blackburns is open all year so come on down for a visit. The fall foliage is starting to turn and we look to be on schedule for a late October peak. We continue to be the home of the $59/day 1-bedroom cabins and they come with a free stall for your boat. You can expect to pay $30-$50/day more if you stay elsewhere. If you must pay too much just stay at Blackburns and give the difference to the Disabled Veterans. Loyalty is good until you get charged too much.