Mike with a couple of nice ones caught on the Bink's Spoon.
The lake level is 556.49 and has dropped 1.8 inches in the last 24-hours with sluice gates open equivalent to 2/3rds of a generator for the last three days. The White River at Newport is at 5.61 feet and still very low. Surface water temperature is 88-degrees and the thermocline starts at 24-feet and is very cold at 30. The water is clear down to about 20-feet. The boat traffic is low during the week and the weather has been very hot but typical for early August. Fishing is just fair except for bass both early and late which are biting pretty well with a lot of Kentucky Bass being caught and also some very big largemouth on main lake point brush. There are a lot of shad across from Blackburns Creek off the steep bank in 50-60 feet of water about 25-30 feet down with several varieties of fish on them. You can get down to them with a spoon. The south wind is blowing them towards the bank. Swimming and boating conditions are excellent and the lake is at a good level but Spearfishing and pole fishing are just fair. I expect divings condition to be very good later this month and into late fall if things stay the way they are with no drastic changes in water level. The crappie will start to move back to the brush from the open water about August 20th if the past holds true. They are not there now. Bink is still catching red meat fish and a few walleye deep on his spoon but you have to drop it right on their heads. Blackburns has a few openings and still has the best prices in the Ozarks on both rental boats and cabins. Give Debbie a call at 870-492-5115 for a reservation and we will not charge you too much. A free stall for your boat comes with your cabin.