The lake level is 556.95 and has risen 1.2 inches in the last 24-hours with no water discharge for two days and we received 0.9 inches of rain very early this morning with a thunderstorm. We had another one on Saturday nigh about 8:PM but it was a wind event with no rain. There was no damage here but was around us with trees down and power outages. We needed the rain and it has been a rainy July with above average rainfall. Everything is very green despite the hot weather. I just get finished mowing and then start again. There is heavy dew in the grass with the high humidity. The White River at Newport is 5.56 feet and a little higher than it has been lately. The area lake levels have been very stable for several weeks and are at good levels for boating, swimming, diving anf fishing. The surface water temperature is 88-degrees and the normal ambient high is 91-degrees and we have been well above that most days. Bink reports catching a lot of fish both deep and at 25-35 feet of water. The smaller fish are shallower and the big ones are in 60-70 feet near the bottom. He is using his spoon exclusively with different sizes for different water depths. The Many shad color always works well this time of year. The thermocline starts at 24-feet with cold water at 30-feet. There is a mud line from about 20-feet to just past the thermocline with little visibility. Some larger bass are moving in to shallower water and crappie are on the main lake on shad and roaming. They will move into the brush later in August. Catfishng is fair on live bluegill and prepared baits on jugs and trotlines. The bass fishermen are catching some good ones both early and late on plastic worms and again after dark on saltcraws with the black light. Blackburns continues to have the best prices on both cabins and boat rentals in the Ozarks and your cabin comes with a free boat stall at our dock. Some charge for that. We are your family headquarters so give Debbie a call at 870-492-5115 for a reservation before school starts. We will not charge you too much. We now have frisbee golf.