This is one nice Norfork lake bass caught fishing with Bink's guide service.
The lake level is 556.97 and is the same as it was at this time yesterday. They did open sluice gates equivalent to 2/3rds of a generator for 10-hours yesterday. I thought they were rusted shut. It is starting to rain now but after tonight it is to be sunny and very nice for a week and a perfect time to take the children on a little fun trip to Blackburns before school starts. The surface water temperature is 87-degrees and the water clarity is about the same with a thermocline at 23-feet. The White River a Newport is 4.96 feet and very low indicating not much water is being let out anywhere. It has been a good time for wade fishermen but not for boats on the rivers. The drought is over here for now with well above average rainfall for July already. Fishing is the same with Bink still catching stripers, walleye and a few bass deep in 60-70 feet of water on the bottom and after dark bass fishermen doing well with black lights and salt craws. Otherwise several fish are right at the thermocline with most being around main lake brush. It is a typical last part of July except we are not flooded out for a change. The lake is at a good level and great condition for boating, swimming and fishing. Lake boat traffic remains low during the week but increases on the weekends but not bad. Give Debbie a call at 870-492-5115 for a last minute reservation and we will not charge you too much. We are your Norfork Lake's family resort headquarters and especially welcome Police and Veterans. The children will like it here.