Green Grass here at Blackburns
The lake level is 556.78 and has dropped just a bit in the last 24-hours with sluice gates open to an equavalent of 2/3rds of a generator for ten hours. The level is creeping up. We did receive 3-1/2 inches of rain on three different events last week with storms moving through the area at night but nothing severe here at Blackburns. It was all around us. The White River at Newport is 5.98 feet and has come up a bit. The surface water temperature is 86+ degrees and rising. Water clarity is fair down to 16-feet with a mud line after that to the thermocline at 23-feet. Several fish are in the mud line where there is low visibility. Spoon main lake points at 23-25 ft. near the bottom and there will be fish there. Bass are still biting saltcraws after dark using a black light and stripers and some walleye are together deep on the larger spoons. Bluegill are biting crickets under docks and catfish are biting prepared baits also under docks and in creeks on jugs and trot lines. It is to get very hot again later this week but the rain has greened things up very nicely and we are not dry. Some of the rain actually ran off and there is moisture in the ground. The lake overall is in excellent condition for swimming and boating and is at a good level for lake access and fishing. It is family time for Norfork Lake Fun here at Blackburns. Come on down and we will not charge you too much and a free stall for your boat comes with your cabin. Call Debbie at 870-492-5115 for a few days family time before school starts. We especially welcome Veterans and Police. Listen to KTLO FM 97.9 at 8:20 AM and 1:20 PM on Tuesday's and Friday's for a Norfork Lake Condition Report by Scuba Steve and 8:40 AM on Thursdays For "Live in the Boat" fishing report by Bink's Guide service. and you will be in the know about Norrfork Lake.