Norfork Lake Arkansas near Mountain Home in the Ozarks Mountains Region Fishing Report and Lake Condition by Scuba Steve from Blackburns Resort and Boat Rental.

Caught on the Bink's Spoon in 70-feet of water 50-feet down. Image title

The lake level is 556.45 and has dropped 1/3rd inch in the last 24-hours with sluice gates open to an equivalent of about 2/rds of a generator for 10-hours. The White River at Newport is 5.47 feet and dropping and about ready to dry up with not much water being let out anywhere. The surface water temperature is 85-degrees with a thermocline at 19-feet and the visibility is deteriorating especially in the creeks and dirt banks. Stripers are feeding on shad in water over 50-feet in the morning and black bass are eating the left-overs coming to the surface. The 3/4 ounce Bink's Spoon is the lure of choice. Some flatheads are hitting live bluegill in main lake cuts on trout lines and drop-shotted jugs but are mostly small. Now is the time for after dark bass fishiung with saltcraws and scuba diving before the visibility goes away. Overall the lake is in excellent condition for swimming, boating, fishing and scuba diving. Scuba Steve will keep you informed of what is going on on Norfork Lake. He is out there everyday.