The lake level is 557.34 and has dropped 3/4 of an inch in the last 24-hours with sluice gates open equal to about 1-1/2 generators open a little less than 1/2 the time. Sluice gates are not generators or spillway gates but conduits at the bottom of the dam. I have not known them to be used before to regulate water level but both generators are needing extensive repairs. They have cut back on releases everywhere and the White River at Newport is 10.54 feet and dropping. People talk about the lake being low but it is not. A normal level this time of year used to be 552 before the minimum flow law for the put and take trout in the rivers, the changes of how % full are calculated for the lakes, changes in the top of the power pools and how the lake are being managed. It is lower than in recent years when the lakes have been allowed to rise in the spring to very high levels and then very slowly dropped in the summer. The only way the lakes can get too low is to let out too much water. There is enough spring water coming in from the Norfork River to take care of the water supply demands for city water uses even if we get very dry like we are now. We did get a nice shower at about 5PM last evening and just enough to give things a little drink. The surface water temperature is in the low 80's and the thermocline starts at 16-17 feet and very cold at 20-feet and a lot of fish are at and around that level especially Kentucky Bass and big Red-Ear Bluegill. Some Walleye are on and just around main lake points on both sides at the same depth and others are on the main lake with the stripers. I heard the term used for stripers as cruising and that is exactly what they are doing. Watch for a top-water bass bite on shad early mornings in 60-80 feet of water and the stripers will be 50-60 feet below that and you have to get down to them. A 3/4 ounce jigging spoon works well. Bluegill are shallow on top of brush. The summer season will start when the stripers go deep into the oxygen bubble with some big walleye and quit biting unless you drop a spoon on their heads and get a reaction bite and the bass fishermen start fishing at night with flourescent line and black lights with salt craws. We are not there yet. Blackburns still has the best prices on both cabins and boat rentals in the Ozarks and it is nice here. A free stall for your boat comes with your cabin and all are individual with no duplexes and all have big covered porches. The big pool with a baby section and slide is open for family fun. Your children can make new friends. Give Debbie a call at 870-492-5115 for a reservation and join in on the fun.