Scuba Steve with a couple of nice ones this morning.
The lake level is 557.44 and has risen 1-inch in the last 24-hours with no generation. They have also cut way back on Bull Shoals and the White River at Newport is 12.03 feet. The water is clearing both in the main lake and the creeks and is especially clear near the shore . The lake overall is at a good level and in good condition for boating, swimming and fishing. The surface water temperature is in the low 80's and rising with the above normal ambient temperatures and bright sunshine. The thermocline is near 20-feet and several fish are at or around that level including bass, crappie and walleye. Kentucky Bass are moving up shallow to feed in the evening and are hanging out around any cover and on the ledge on the first drop-off. Start on main lake points. In the early morning look for surface bass feeding on wounded shad that are the left-overs from the stripers feeding below. Look for surfacing bass and the stripers will be below if the water is in a channel 60-90 feet of water 50-60 feet down. The shallower the water the closest to the bottom. Drop a spoon on their heads. If they leave just wait and they will come by again as the shad moves. The stripers are mostly in the 5-8 pound range. That was a good year for them. Get out early, take the middle of the day off and go out again in the evening bass fishing. Fishing under lights off docks is catching White Bass and Walleye as the shad moves in. Spoon walleye off main lake points at the thermocline near the bottom. Blackburns still has the best prices on both cabins and boat rentals and a free stall for your boat comes with the cabin. We do not have boat stalls for one night stays. All of our cabins are individual with no duplexes and all have big covered porches to get out of the sun. The big dock is in a sheltered cove good for kayaking. You need a big pool, a big dock and a small price. Some have no pool, no dock and a big price. We do not. Come on down. We will not charge you too much and it is nice here. Compare prices and call Debbie at 870-492-5115 for a reservation