Norfork Lake Arkansas near Mountain Home in the Ozarks Mountains Region Fishing Report and Lake Condition by Scuba Steve from Blackburns Resort nd Boat Rental.

Scuba Steve with his favorite. Image title

The lake level is 557.36 and has risen 1/2 inch in the last 24-hours with one generator running for about 9-hours. The White River at Newport is 12.76 feet and has leveled off. There is still no effort to drop the area lakes. The surface water temperature is still 75-76 degrees depending on the time of day you check. The water clarity is about the same also and you can see your lure down about 6-feet on the main lake and less in the creeks. They are both clear near the shore. The top-water bite for red meat fish has slowed especially on these cool mornings and they are going deeper with the shad. and will continue to do so as the water warms. This is the time of year when we can go from cool to hot overnight. In the warm afternoons the shad are shallower part way back in the creeks and bass are coming up to feed on them. Catfishing should be better than it is with the ideal conditions for them. Slowly rising water and diminishing moon are their favorite and they should be feeding heavily. I am catching a few flatheads daily but no big ones. They are my favorites but the big fat channel cats and blues are not far behind. Walleye are all over the place but mostly near any cover including docks and brush piles.Big bluegill are mostly on beds but they like to spawn in the full moon and they will finish early next month. After that the fry will head for cover followed closely by bass and walleye. Stripers and bluegill like the full moon and most other species do not. Full moon, dropping river and a cold front and you might as well stay home if you are a catfisherman.  There are a lot of throw back walleye out there but some nice ones too.  The lake level was 571.77 and the White River at Newport was 19.10 feet and the surface water temperature was 76-degrees on this date last year. We are in much better shape so far this year and the launching, camping and parking should make for a much less hectic Holiday. I am looking forward to it being over. I know you want to see my picture day after day and over and over but I do not kill very many fish and prefer to show off my customers' success not mine but this is a pretty good one yesterday evening. I like those walleye, crappie and catfish.