Allan Lenius and Mike and Marty Martin caught some nice ones on Blackburns Resort and Boat Rental's Brush Piles. Good to see them again.
The lake level is 554.68 and has risen 1-3/4 inches in the last 24-hours with no generation for over 2-days. We received about 1/2 inch of rain last night and early this morning. The White River at Newport is 13.67 feet and stable waiting on the high Mississippi River Water to go by The surface water temperature is 67-degrees and will rise more quickly now with the very warm weather approaching with daily highs to reach near 90 degrees and very warm nightime temperatures. The top-water fish like the warm nights and come up the best after a warm night at subnrise which is about 6:AM. Sunset is 8:PM and the moon is full and not helping catfishing any. If the water keeps rising slowly and the moon gets smaller the catfish will really bite well and Norfork Lake has a lot of them. They really like Blackburns Cove and also like live shiners and bluegill especially the flatheads which might be the best eating fish in the lake. The lake will calm down after the Bass Cat Tournament today and tomorrow and Sunday evening should make for some quiet fishing. It is hard to believe Memorial day is only three weeks away. Fishing is getting better every day. Blackburns still has one bedroom cabins for $59/day and two bedrooms for $77. We are the first to fill up so give Debbie a call at 870-492-5115 for a reservation before they are all gone and you have to pay much more somewhere else. All cabins are individual with no duplexes and come with a free stall for your boat. Also renting a boat could not be easier and we have a lot of them. If you are not staying at Blackburns Resort and Boat Rental you are paying too much and we especially welcome Veterans and Police.