The lake level is 563.15 and has dropped 4-1/2 inches in the last 24-hours with one generator running continuously and spillway gates open to an equilavant of 1-1/2 more. It has dropped 2-feet in the last week. The White River at Newport is exactly the same as at this time yesterday at 23.84 feet and the water is still tea colored in Blackburns area and did not clear up any yesterday. The creeks got a little more stained for some reason. The high generation is not letting it get a chance to settle out but it will clear once spring fed river water starts to get to the area from the north. If we get a big rain it will start all over again. I am not seeing any debris and I did just a couple of days ago. The surface water tmeperature was 65-degrees when I came in yesterday evening. The bluegill and turtles had moved in under Blackburns Dock and some bass have moved in chasing the bluegill. The weather has been beautiful and should continue for a few more days with a chance of rain on Saturday. The wind has also been light for a change and that is also welcome. I am glad March is over. White bass, Flatheads, crappie and black bass are the best bite now and the top-water bite is improving. Cast a creature bait, jig or grub and minnow to the banks back in the creeks and you will be surprised what you catch. Trollers are dragging just off the shoreline for staging crappie but it is not a very sporting way to catch them. Blackburns $59/day one bedroon cabins are filling fast and that is not a teaser. People are already disappointed about us being full and having to pay much more to stay somewhere else. One person called yesterday about a cabin and said he would call back and by the time he did it had filled already. Fortunately our 2-bedroom cabins are less $ than other people's one bedrooms. Come on down. We will not charge you too much and your cabin comes with a free boat stall. Flowers are blooming and I am mowing almost everyday but do not mind.