The lake level is 565.20 and has dropped 1.3 inches in the last 24-hours with one generator running continuously and spillway gates open to an equivalent of another 3/4 of a generator. We received 1/2 inch of rain here at Blackburns last night and this morning. It looks like it is gone now. There was some severe weather west and south of us but none in this area and it looks like it is over here now and the temperature has dropped with the cold front. There is not much chance of rain for the next week. The white River at Newport is 23.81 and has leveled off with large amounts of water being discharged from Bull Shoals Lake but not as much as is coming into it from Table Rock which is approaching normal level while the rest of us are very high. If they start to regulate the White River at Newport to 14-feet on 15 April like the rules say we will neve get the level down. I hope they keep trying to drop the levels and I suspect they will. They say Bull Shoals and Norfork are only 40% full but I do not know how they calculate that anymore as it seems to change regularly. The rules really change on May 15th. All of the rules need to be reviewed and changed to meet the times and technology. The surface water temperature is about 57-degrees on the main lake and up to 59 in the backs of the creeks. The water is still teas colored in this area and clears as you go south to the dam but colored again past the dam in Big Creek. Color is not really an issue at this time. Bass fishing is the best with smallmouth picking up nicely on creature baits on a jig head just on the inside of points. Some White Bass and small stripers are hitting swim baits back in Big Creek and across from Cranfield campground.