Norfork Lake Arkansas near Mountain Home in the Ozarks Mountains Region Fishing Report and Lake Condition by Scuba Steve from Blackburns Resort and Boat Rental.

The lake level is 565.44 and has risen 1-inch in the last 24-hours with one generator running continuously. The White River at Newport is 23.81 and dropping slowly. The surface water temperature was 55-degrees on the main lake and as much as 59 in the backs of the windblown creeks in the brown water. The water is very brown from Red Bank to Pigeon Creek to Cranfield Island and at the mouth of Blackburns Creek  to the 101 Bridge but starts to clear south of the 62 bridge.  I could see my lure down about 5-6 feet in Panther Creek. The water is trying to clear but not quickly. The creeks are still brown in this area but more clear near the shore. I am concerned about the storm moving into the area on Tuesday evening. It is going to hit somewhere. The one last night stayed south of here but I was not concerned about it. We have been very fortunate in this area so far with the wind and high water irritating but not damaging. Fishing remains slow to fair and a few are being caught everyday but some large White Bass are being caught on a swim bait and the Smallmouth have moved in to their normal banks and hitting creature baits. Things are getting better and they needed to.   I caught a nice walleye off the dock yesterday. The very warm weather will bring out the mushrooms and start the top-water bite especially for bass. The cold fronts just keep coming in every week but not as cold but the severe weather threat will remain as long as the fronts keep coming in from the west coast, crossing the rockies and meeting the warm moist air from the gulf. They mean storms to the south and snow to the north. I do not like either one. Keep things tied down for the next few days and do not go between the bridges in the winds especially in a flat bottomed boat. They just opened up spillway gates on Bull Shoals along with the generators and are letting out a lot of water. They also opened up gates on Norfork equal to a little less than one generator. At least they are trying.