The lake level is 565.26 and has risen 4-inches in the last 24-hours with one generator running most of the time. They are now predicting a crest at 565.40 on April 4th. It is up 9-feet since the big rain last Friday. The water is still brown and not clearing much in this area and worse as you go north or west into Pigeon Creek . You can find some decent water in Float, Panther and Fall Creeks for fishing. The White River at Newport is 24.37 feet and dropping. Bull Shoals is 15-1/2 feet above top of power pool. Norfork is 12-feet above and Table Rock is 4-feet. They are running Table Rock as fast as they can along with flood gates open and filling Bull Shoals. They will keep Branson Landing from flooding no matter what it takes. We received a total of about 1/2 inch of rain Thursday Night and Friday but no severe weather here but the wind was and still is howling with big white caps on the lake. It is to slow tonight. I am concerned about the next front coming through on Tuesday evening. It is going to hit somewhere and it is just a matter of where. Right now the worse looks to go north of us in the St. Louis area but that could change easily. As the weather warms and the days get longer the fronts from the west and the gulf meet further north. The gulf states need a break as they have been hit hard this winter but the storms just keep coming and the next two months are normally the worst. Blackburns is having it's 20th annual Easter egg hunt at 2:PM today and the place will be full of kids. Debbie has over 500 eggs hidden and is ready. It gets bigger and bigger every year. Blackburns Resort and Boat Rental is definetely the family fun place. Come on down. If you are in the area stop by and check us out before you leave. You will like it here and the price is right. Fishing is not the best but if you go back in a creek and work the bank with a chatter bait you can catch some bass.