Caught fishing with Bink's Guide Service.
The lake level is 564 and has risen 5-1/2 inches in the last 24-hours with one generator running about 1/3rd the time. It is now rising 1-inch in about 5-hours and has not crested yet. They are predicting a crest of 565.1 feet on April 5th so they are not planning on letting much water out of Norfork for a while. it is up 7-3/4 feet since last Friday. They are running Table Rock very hard with spillway gates open and filling Bull Shoals rapidly. I went from Cranfield Island to Robinson Island yesterday evening and the water was tea colored and about the same color as it is in Norwestern Ontario when I used to go for fly-in trips. I had some bad luck going there as one year they had a may fly hatch the day I arrived and they were about 2-inches thick all over the lake and there was no fishing. Another time I went in the middle of June and the ice had not gone out in front of the lodge yet. July was a safe month but the black flies are so bad you cannot go outside unless on the water. The shore lunches are really good though. The water temperature was 54-degrees when I came in last evening everywhere on the main lake and a little higher in the shallower creeks. I did not fish very long and only caught a couple of small bass. All of the debris was gone in this area except for some small stuff that had blown way in the back in the creeks with the north wind. Overall fishing is pretty tough but a few good fish are being caught but they are working hard for them. We could get some severe weather on Friday but it should remain nice until then. Blackburns has people looking for housing, waiting on closings, workers on the dams, motorcyclists touring, families just hanging out and using the big playground facilities, some fishermen on spring break and others fishing off the dock. It is a good mix and is keeping us busy. We are the home of the $59/day one bedroom cabins and $77/day two bedroom cabins. Three and four bedrooms are priced accordingly. A free stall for your boat comes with the cabin and all are individual with no duplexes and all have big covered porches to get out of the sun and weather. We have several boats available for rent also, along with the cabins, at the best prices in the Ozarks. Come on down and we will not charge you too much. We especially welcome Veterans and Police. I mowed for the first time yesterday and flowers are coming up all over.