The lake level is 556.32 and is rising with the creeks running and all generation and spillway gates shut down. We have received 1-1/2 inches of rain so far with more to come. Much more, but the severe weather is to go south of us and continue to the east later tonight. We are to clear out later tonight. The White River at Newport is 23.28 and we can expect that to rise also. They are generating both Bull Shoals and Table Rock heavily and they are still rising quickly indicating a lot of rain in those areas already. I do not expect much to be let out of Norfork anytime soon. Ava, Missouri got flooded out last evening and that does not look good for us as far as the lake rising goes. It is too early to predict but it could be several feet depending on what happens today. The Norfork River is 109 miles long and is in Eastern Doughas and Ozark Counties in Missouri and when Ava and Gainsville get big rains it is not good for us. It just takes a bit to get here but will be here for sure. It all depends on how much they generate but they have shut that off already. We just have to count our blessings and hope for no severe weather. It could be worse.