The lake level is 557.02 and has dropped 4-inches in the last 24-hours. They started up one generator at 7:PM last evening and cut back on the spillway gate discharge an equal amount and then at 8:AM this morning went back to where they were. The total discharge is now the same again and they are letting out an equivalent of 2-1/2 generators. This is welcome with the rain coming again tomorrow and maybe heavy on Friday. We received 1/2 inch yesterday here at Blackburns. The ground is still saturated and ground water is still running off the hillsides. The White River at Newport is 23.3 feet and has leveled off. They are trying to drop the area lakes. The surface water temperature was 50-degrees when I came in last evening and the water was still stained a greenish brown with a visibility of about 3-feet. Our striper fishermen report the night bite for stripers has slowed way down and was not very good to start with and they had very little luck catching any big ones. They are mostly gone and people keep killing the smaller ones in the 5-7 pound range. Fishing off docks under lights is fair with a few crappie, white bass and walleye coming in with the shad at about 9:PM. There were some bass feeding on top on shad in Blackburns Creek at about 5:PM last evening and I caught a couple casting a 1/4 ounce Bink's Spoon and hopping it back to the boat. Other than that I only caught a couple of crappie in about 2-hours of fishing. Bass fishing is the best now both in open water on shad and part way back in the creeks near the bank. Crappie fishing is as tough as I have seen it in a while but the ones being caught are good sized. If you find feeding fish in any numbers they are mostly small and are beck in the bayou and I do not go that far. Trollers with live bait and umbrellas are still catching some fish in open water on shad but are covering a lot of ground to get them. They are not getting them everyday. The warm weather is welcome but usually comes with storms. I am ready for March to be over. Wow do we have a lot of guides on Norfork Lake. I have never seen so many. I hope they all make it.