The lake level is 557.75 and has dropped 1-inch in the last 24-hours with one generator running continuously and spillway gates open 1-ft.which is about the same as 1/3rd of a generator. They are letting four times as much water out of Bull Shoals than Norfork. The White River at Newport is still at 24.24 feet so they are trying but waited too long to get started. The surface water temperature is just over 50-degrees on the main lake and lower in the backs of the creeks shallow. The North wind was incessant yesterday and cold with an ambient high at 39-degrees. You really had to hate the fish to spend much time out there yesterday. It is hard to get out of a northwest wind in this area so I did not stay out very long. I thought it might lay in the evening but it did not. It got down to 20-degrees last night here at Blackburns and there is to be a hard frost again tonight but none in the foreseeable future after that. The wind is less today and the sun is shining so it is better but not a lot. We should be in the low 60's at least but that is coming. The lake is trying to clear a little with the reduced discharge and is in pretty good shape overall. Fising remains just fair but I am catching a few more crappie than in the last week now. Blackburns has some trollers in and are catching a few hybrids and small stripers in open water on shad and the bass fishermen are catching a few on grubs and crank baits. Bink is back in a major creek and catching all kinds of Temperate bass casting a swim bait. I am still casting a grub and minnow out past the brush and letting it sink down beside it. I am not finding many fish right in the brush but a few and small bass are with them. Some are also just off the bank. Post spawn walleye are moving back downstream and are on shad and coming in with them under lights after dark. The surface water temperature was 51.6 and the lake level was 553.06 on this date last year and the fishing was about the same. It would be nice if we were at that level ,if not lower, now. Blackburns still has one bedroom cabins for $59/day and they come with a free stall for your boat. All cabins are individual with no duplexes and all have big covered porches. if you are staying where you are nearly the only customer you are paying too much, in the wrong place or both. We especially welcome Veterans and Police. The United Bass Angler Tournament yesterday on Norfork had a high of 15+ pounds and 28-boats. It is for a good cause. Bass fishing is getting better.