The lake level is 557.84 and has dropped 1/2 inch in the last 24-hours with one generator running continuously and spillway gates open 1-ft for an equavalent of 1-1/3 generators. They are trying to drop Bull Shoals now and also keep the White River in it's banks at Newport. It is now at 24.58 feet and they have been managing it at that level for a couple of weeks. At least Norfork has dropped 2-ft. since they opened the gates and I am glad for that. More rain is scheduled for later next week along with some much warmer temperatures but it is very cold now with hard freezes the next two nights. We will be hard pressed to get to 40-degrees today. There is still quite a bit of runoff from the hillsides into the creeks and lake and the ground id saturated. People predicting the level to be back to normal by the end of the month just have wishful thinking. I would consider normal to be 552 and there is not much chance of getting to there anytime soon. At least they are trying. 557.84 is better than 559.84. Anything over 560 starts to cause problems with access and parking at launches and campgrounds. The cold fronts and rain just keep coming and we do not need a big one that is for sure. The lake is in excellent condition now and it would be nice if it stayed that way. The lake started clearing right away after they slowed the discharge and the surface water temperature is 51-52 degrees and dropping. The water is stained a little green but not bad and is a good color for fishing both in the creeks and the main lake. The water is much more clear near the shore. Overall fishing is still just fair and temperate bass fishing is the best bite in open water on shad using a swim bait but I am still catching a few crappie and bass on the jig in and just outside brush. Blackburns is the home of the $59/day one bedroom cabin and it comes with a free stall for your boat. 2,3,4 bedrooms are priced accordingly. Come on down. We will not charge you too much. Give Debbie a call at 870-492-5115.