The cabins are all open now. Here are some pictures of our 1-bedroom cabins 5-8 That are basically the same. These are $59/day. Not bad Huh?
They are all individual with big covered porches and no duplexes.
The lake level is 559.14 and has dropped 4-inches in the last 24-hours with one generator running continuously and spillway gates open to an equivalent of another 1-1/2 generators. They are forcasting the level to be 557.50 by Friday so they must be planning on continuing this for a while. It is very welcome as far as I am concerned. All of the lakes in the 4-lake system now have spillway gates open except for Bull Shoals and Table Rock is putting water in Bull as fast as they can let it out. The White River at Newport is still 24.44 and has been stable for several days. When they open gates at these levels it is usually for maintenance but you cannot tell as they are not accountable to anybody. All of this water is bypassing the generators and is not making any electricity and is basically wasted so they must not need it anywhere. The current in the river is bringing dirty water down from Missouri from the last big rain and the visibilty is poor and is a brownish green color but mostly brown. It is not muddy.The creeks out of the channel are a little more clear and the water is much more clear near the shore. The surface water temperature was 52-degrees when I came in at 7:15 PM last evening and the ambient temperature was cooling off already. There was a hard freeze last night and it got down to the low 20's. It is sunny now and is to get back up to about 50 today with another cold front coming through this weekend. There were some small white caps last evening with a North wind but I was able to get out of it and catch a few nice fish. I was surprised to have the fish bite as well as they did and caught a couple of keeper bass and some 14-15 inch crappie. All were released on site. Cold fronts and dropping water are the curse of the fishing class but I am glad it is dropping. I am casting a grub and minnow either near the bank part way back in the creek or past brush and letting it sink into it abour 15-ft. down. The trollers are catching some small stripers in the 5-7 pound range dragging live bait and umbrellas through shad in front of the spawning banks in 20-30 ft. of water. We had a person fishing for spawning stripers after dark with a stick bait and did not catch any where he did the week before. I do not know if they are finished or not. Walleye and White Bass are showing up river several miles further than normal with the absence of the Dawt Mill Dam and nothing to stop them with the high water. It is a typical March and not my favorite month. The grass is greening up and I will have to mow soon. Several blooming plants and trees got burned last night. I told them to not come out yet but they did not listen.