Ray and Jessica Sowell with some nice ones.
The lake level is 559.51 and has risen 3/4 of an inch in the last 24-hours with one generator running continuously. The White River at Newport is 24.46 feet and has been steady for several days. This level is the most important one to watch in order to predict how much generation will occur. There are rules of generation that regulate how much generation is allowed from the combination of Bull Shoals and Norfork but they do not always go by them. From now to April 15th they are supposed to be at 21-feet and then it drops to 14 feet. Our best bet to get the level down to 553.75 is now until April 15th. After that it gets tougher to accomplish. 553.75 is the top of the power pool and then Southwestern Power takes over the generation schedule and typically do not let out much.The later in the spring it gets with high water the harder it gets to lower it. Especially on May the 8th when the regulation rules drop to 12-feet. If the 4-lake system of Beaver, Table Rock, Bull Shoals and Norfork get to over 70% full it gives them more flexibility. The problen is how they calculate 70% full. That has changed over the years and basically everything is flooded out at these levels. They typically hold and hope until it gets very high and then flood out everything downstream after the crops are planted and are up by opening up flood gates. Hopefully we do not get that way this year but we are not off to a good start. We should be at about 548 at this time of year and not 560. People say what happens if we get a drought and the lakes get too low? The answer is to not let any water out except for the water supplies to cities. It is easier to not let any water out rather than how much goes in. If the dams were built for flood control you would think they would quit doing this and try something else like drawing the level down in the winter to make room. The surface water temperature is dropping again and is about 51 last evening when I came in. It is not going to rise today and tonight with highs in the 40's and lows in the 20's with a heavy frost. At least it is not raining. We could even see a small drop in the water level if they keep that one generator running continuously. We should crest today if they do. If they shut it off it will continue to rise. We do not need any rain for two weeks. These cold fronts that just keep coming through greatly slowing fishing as soon as it starts to pick up but that is a typical March. It is my least favorite month for fishing but has it's good days just not many of them. The after dark striper fishing is about the only thing that is predictable and it will be over soon. Walleye have finished and White Bass are nearly finished and crappie will be next in about 3-4 weeks depending on the water temperature. The small bluegill have swarmed in under my dock already and the predator fish are feeding on them including bass, catfish and crappie. I am still having trouble catching fish on the spoon except in open water and I get tired of chasing the shad around the lake to finally find feeding fish. It can take days and a lot of gas. I typically burn about 5-gallons every week or two and that tells you a lot about how far I go with my old 200HP 2-stroke and I am out there everyday after I get my work done. I am too poor to go too far and spend the money I have on the resort for improvements not vacations, personal boats, gas and live scopes. Do not get in my way between me and my boat at about 5:PM. If you are getting charged too much give Debbie a call at 870-492-5115 for a reservation. Watch for those price increases. You will not find any here at Blackburns. Our 1-bedroom cabins are still $59/day and your first boat stall is still free. We like our customers and especially welcome Veterans and Police. The Thin Blue Line Flag flies proudly along with the American Flag above Blackburns Resort and Boat Rental. We love this country even though we are not too happy with the government but someone voted them in.