The lake level is 558.65 and has risen 2-inches in the last 24-hours. They started one generator at 6:PM last evening after opening spillway gates one inch for a few hours for some reason. It is usually for maintenance. Before that there was no release for over 24-hours. We received 1/2 inch of rain last night and the creeks run a little but not hard and not brown. The White River at Newport is 24.52 feet and dropping slowly so a lot of water is still going downstream into the river but not from generation. Their plan of regulating the lakes to the top of the power pool and then quitting generation is not working. Someone forgot to take into account that we get spring rains or they want high water on purpose. It is to rain tonight and tomorrow and again Saturday and Sunday. If they cannot control it in March they have no chance in April and May. It will not affect the fishing unless it comes too fast. I went bass fishing yesterday and found fish right on the bank back in the windblown creek and also in a main lake cut on brush but also near the bank. They were both Kentuckies and Largemouth but no smallmouth. They were all released into Tom Kelly's trophy pond. It is now stocked up very well for the spring spawn and fishing. I will add a few catfish and walleye when I catch them. The schools of smaller bluegill have moved in under Blackburns dock already and this does not usually happen until April. When this occurs it means catfish and bass with be with them soon if not now. A dock fisherman caught a nice channel cat off the dock yesterday and I saw some big bass in the brush when I fed the fish. The long period of no generation earlier in the week really allowed the water to clear. On Monday I could not see my lure after it entered the water and last evening I could see it down 4-5 feet and most of the debris was gone, at least in this area. I only report from North of Cranfield Island to South of Robinson Island as I have no need to go anywhere else to find fish. The cold fronts just keep coming through and show no sign of stopping but that is normal for March. We will not see long periods of high pressure anytime soon but it would be nice. If people keep raising prices on you give Debbie a call at 870-492-5115 for a reservation unless you just have too much money. We will not charge you too much and your first boat stall is still free here at Blackburns. Spring is coming. Now back to plumbing.