The lake level is 558.05 and has risen 8-inches in the last 24-hours with one generator running about 1/2 the time. They are not running any at this time. When they generate one generator the lake is still rising and is rising more quickly when they shut it off. The White River at Newport is 25.65 and has stabilized just below the minor flood level of 26-feet. There is not much more they can do and more significant rain is on the way on Wednesday and Thursday. Their strategy has been to keep the lake right at the top of the power pool of 553.75 and then hold until it rains again. This is obviously not working nor has it worked for the last several years. They refuse a lake drawdown in the winter and it is like they want high water so the campgrounds and launches will be closed or with reduced parking. This is hard to figure and I sure wish there was some accountability. The brown is trying to drop out in this area but there is very little visibility. I had a 52-degree water temperature last evening at dark in Blackburns Creek and it should warm up today with the ambient temperature to be near 80 and then another cold front comes in and it looks like there will continue to be more of them and more rain. The best fishing now is to start at the mouth of the windblown creeks and looks for shad and drop a spoon on their heads. Some White Bass and walleye have spawned and have moved back down river but most of them are still up river or in the back of the major creeks. Some crappie are being caught on brush on the main lake out of the brown water. Blackburns now has nine cabins open and the other ones are turned on and their spring cleaning has begun. We should be open fully by next weekend and continue our policy of continued improvement with no price increases. You can still get a one bedroom cabin for $59/day for two people and a two bedroom for $77/day for four people. Your first boat stall is free with your cabin and all cabins are individual with no duplexes and all have big coverd porches. You need those with all of the rain. Come on down. We will not charge you too much.