Debbie got this 60-lb. striper down by the dock.
The lake level is 556.74 and has risen 3-1/2 inches in the last 24-hours with both generators running for about 2-hours. The White River at Newport is 26.05 and is about back in it's banks and leveling off. They are letting out as much as they can without flooding everything out down stream very much. At least the rise is slowing down for the next rain on Tuesday. It is to include some wind. Just what we need but the wind should be light for the next couple of days with good fishing conditions but the cold fronts just keep coming with some chilly nights next week.The mud is settling out in the creeks and is not as brown as it was but there is still very little visibility there. The main lake is still a good color for fishing and the main lake channels are pretty clear in Blackburns area. The small debris was mostly contained in the creeks but is blowing around with the wind. The biggest change is that the fishing is getting better, especially on and around brush piles. Both bass and crappie fishing have improved with some being on top of the brush and some just around it. This is normal with the surface water temperature about 46-degrees. The average daily high is now 50 and things are headed in the right direction. We finished up our fish habitat project here at Blackburns yesterday and have some very big brush piles in some very good places. I have been putting them in for 27-years and know which ones hold fish and when. I do not put in trees to draw fish but to hold them in their naturally preferred places. Knowing that really helps with scuba diving also. The ice and sleet helped me decide which trees to put in but they are all cleaned up now. I will show you where they are when you get here. We always put in some new ones as the brush pile moochers find and camp on ours but we just care about the overall improvement of the fishing but want to give our customers an advantage. All resort owners should put in their own but Blackburns will pick up the slack, help you find fish and not charge you too much. Compare prices and give Debbie a call at 870-492-5115 to get the cabin and boat rental of your choice. Blackburns is the first resort to fill up and you will end up paying way too much elsewhere if you wait too long. Come on down and check us out. We like it here and think you will also.