The lake level is 553.16 and has dropped 1/2 inch in the last 24-hours with about 16-hours of alternating between running one and both generators. They quit generating last night at about 11PM. We received 1/2 inch yesterday during the day and one inch so far last night and this morning with the biggest rain coming and has just started. The creeks are running already but not too fast yet but they will. The White River at Newport is at 10.99 feet and still dropping but that also is short lived. I would like it much better if the level was 547 now going into the spring rains than where we are now but they refuse to do so for some reason. It is by choice not by regulation. The White River could be at 21-feet until 14 April. Next they will be opening flood gates and wasting the water not going through generators. I waited until the rain stopped yesterday afternoon and went fishing. There was no wind and the lake was like glass and it was very still and cloudy. The fishing was lousey and about as bad as I have seen it in years and I had a hard time catching anything and I was stubborn not willing to admit failure and stayed out until I caught two fish. One crappie and one Kentucky Bass were released and I came in. The water temperature was still 45.5 degrees and the water was clear and I could see my lure down 5-6 feet in the cloudy weather. I did not see any other boats and at least it was peace and quiet and I was glad to be out. I will see if I can dodge the rain later but it does not look good. It is nice to just go to the dock and get in a boat and be fishing in a matter of just a few minutes and not have to plan or schedule anything and drag a boat around on a trailer and launch and load back up. I have some good brush piles close and I do not have to go very far. I will let you know about the rain.