Rum Binkley with some nice ones yesterday on the 1/4 ounce Bink's Spoon.
The lake level is 553.67 and has dropped 3/4 of an inch in the last 24-hours with one generator running a little over 1/2 the time. The White River at Newport is 10.53 feet and dropping with the reduced generation since Southwest Power took over at the top of the power pool of 553.75 and the lake is clearing rapidly again both on the main lake and the creeks. The water is very clear near the shore. The surface water was still a little over 52 degrees when I came in last night with an ambient temperature in the 40's with light wind. Fishing was the same as the day before with some early red meat fish caught dragging umbrellas through shad and the crappie, bass and walleye coming up shallow to feed for a few minutes late evening just before dark. This is typical for the winter with fish feeding heavily for a few minutes a day and getting lockjaw the rest of the day. You just have to be there at the right time. For me it has been from 4:PM until just before dark. Others from daylight to about 9:30 AM. I do not charge out there in the coldest part of the day and come in when it starts to warm up. I prefer going out at the warmest part of the day and come in when it starts to cool. I do not hate them that bad and am not trying to fill up a freezer. There is a possession limit but some seem to ignore this. The cold weather is on the way and we will see what it does to the water temperature. You will be the first to know. Some nice crappie were caught yesterday and the day before on Blackburns Brush Piles. We will show you where they are when you get here. There are some new fishing regulations starting the first of the year so be aware.