Scuba Steve with his best ones yesterday.
The lake level is 553.69 and has risen 2-1/2 inches in the last 24-hours with no generation. The White River at Newport is 9.93 feet and is as high as it has been since the Power company took over the generation. They like high water in the lakes and a dry river. The Corps Of Engineers take over the generation schedule at 553.75 so maybe it will not rise as fast then. It is up 1-1/2 feet since the rain last week. The surface water temperature remains just under 56 degrees and the main lake is still clearing. I can see my lure down about 6-feet with the cloudy skies and cannot remember when we had any sunshine. When it does clear up after this next rain expect much cooler temperatures. I like cloudy warm days with light winds for fishing but also like the sunshine on me but do not like the wind. The wind is not my friend and the ones that like it can have my share. You can catch some nice bass on windblown banks but it is not worth it to me. I do not hate them that bad. The night time lows are to get into the 20's later this week and we have not had a frost so far in December but sure did in November. I am still catching crappie, Kentucky Bass, big bluegill and a walleye or two on brush in the evening from 3:30 PM until dark on the jig and small spoon. Some days are better than others but I am catching some everyday. Our trollers just left and were disappointed. They caught a few white bass and small stripers but worked hard and long for them mostly dragging unbrellas through shad. The walleye that I am cleaning are full of eggs and the crappie are starting to grow some already. The water temperature is exactly what it was on this date last year and the level is a couple of feet higher. You can now get history here on my blog by just scrolling down. Fish are in open water on shad, on brush piles in 25-35 feet deep and on the bank and the best times are in the morning just before sunrise and again in the evening from 4:PM until dark when the fish come up shallow to feed. Overall fishing is just fair but the lake is in good condition and at a good level. Use a 1/2 ounce Binks spoon white and green in color for open water fish and a smaller one for brush fish including walleye and bass and a grub for the bank. I like grubs 3-inches long or smaller. Use light clear light line, 4-lb. for crappie and 6-lb. for bass, I like flourocarbon the best for the hook-set but it gets memory. Monofiliment is cheaper but stretches. Both are OK. Blackburns is better than OK so come on down. We will not charge you too much and your first boat stall is free. Best value in the Ozarks and are open all year.