Norfork Lake Arkansas near Mountain Home in the Ozarks Mountains Region Fishing Report and Lake Condition by Scuba Steve from Blackburns Resort and Boat Rental

Ellie May likes fishing off the dock. Image title

The lake level is 553.44 and has risen 2-1/2 inches in the last 24-hours with one generator running for about 12-hours. The White River at Newport is 9.31 feet and has dropped just a bit. I was surprised at how clear the main lake was yesterday even on a cloudy day. I could see my lure down over 6-feet and the water is very clear near the shore. The creeks are clearing but still a little stained green. Surface water temperature was still just under 56- degrees. Fishing was not as good for me as it was the day before but I still caught two very large bluegill, four crappie and two keeper bass fishing from 3-5 PM. I saw no other boats out there. The ambient temperature was 49-degrees. Our open water fishermen had a tough day and only caught a few White Bass and we do not count them. It is to cool down quite a bit later this week after the rain when the skies clear with freezing temperatures every night for several days. We have not had a frost this month yet. It looks like all of the severe weather will go south of us again. I got the road to the dock graded again and it is in good shape. Our customers do not like driving their vehicles over rutted roads and I do everything I can. I have 28-acres of cedar trees and will start cutting some of them to put into the lake for fish cover for our customers. I wish more people would do this but it ia a lot of work. We drag them to the launch and take them out from there and have been doing this for 27-years and have some very good brush piles. I will show you where they are when you get here. The lake in in good shape and at a good level but there is no surge capacity for a big rain again. They absolutely refuse to have a winterdraw down so far again this year.   The best bite continues to be from 4:PM untl dark and in the early morning just after sunrise.There will be no price increases again this year at Blackburns and we continue to be the best value in the Ozarks. Call Debbie at 870-492-5115 as we are the first resort to fill up and we do not want you to be disappointed and have to pay much more elsewhere. This is happening right now.