Dave Titus with another nice one yesterday released under the dock.
The lake level is 552.22 and has risen 1-1/2 inches in the last 24-hours with one generator running for about 2-hours. It has risen 3-1/2 inches from the 1-1/2 inch rain on Saturday. The surface water tmeperature is just under 58 degrees and the water has stained up again after the rain. It was just clearing up. Fishing has picked up in the last couple of days but you have to know where and how. I am using the small spoon on main lake point brush piles and also a 2-inch jig and grub. It is hard to spoon in the wind but it is the best when it is not blowing. It is to be windy for the next few days but it looks like we will miss the severe weather east of us. We were full here at Blackburns last week and almost everyone caught fish and some good ones too. Give Debbie a call at 870-492-5115 if you are planning a trip. If you assume we will have openings we do not want you to be disappointed and have to pay much more for cabins elsewhere and some even charge for the first boat stall. Blackburns is the first to fill up and have many repeat customers so come on down. We will not charge you too much. Crappie, bass, catfish were all caught yesterday along with a few White Bass but we do not count them. If you want some just go out in open water from the 101 Bridge to Cranfield Island and drag stuff through the schools of shad until you find feeding fish. There are a few small stripers and hybrids with them. Shad are at about 40-45 feet down at various depths of water and there are lots of them so you might have to troll through a lot of them. When you do they will bite quckly and then they are gone and then just keep doing the same thing. Me, I will be working Blackburn's Brush piles during the day and the bank in the evening for Bass and crappie. The walleye bite has slowed for me recently. I was really catching some nice ones but not now. Catfish are showing up with the crappie and bass on brush. All three varieties of catfish are biting but you already know what kinds Norfork Lake has. They will slow with the cold water. The normal high is 52-degrees but it loks like it will get very cool again on Wednesday.