Norfork Lake Arkansas near Mountain Home in the Ozarks Mountains Region Fishing Report and Lake Condition by Scuba Steve from Blackburns Resort and Boat Rental.

Bink with a pretty good one. Image title

The lake level is 552.16 and has dropped 1.4 inches in the last 24-hours with one full generator running about 1/2 the time. The White River at Newport is 5.26 feet and could be at 12-feet if they folowed the rules. Norfork Lake is 1-1/2 ft. below top of power pool of 553.75 and Bull Shoals is a little less than 5-ft below their top of power pool. The surface water temperature is just over 60 degrees and the water is stained on both the main lake and the creeks. It should be clearing this time of year but is getting more green every day as the water cools.  and I can see my lure down only about 1-2 feet. I like it a little more clear for fishing but not too much. The surface water has dropped from 67 degrees on November 9th to 60 today. That is a lot and about as fast as I have seen it. Fishing is slow and you have to work hard to get them. Bink  found a school of Hyrbrids yesterday and caught several in the 2-3 pound range but had a tough time before that catching just a couple of bass. They were in a bay just outside of a brush pile and were hitting the spoon. I am still fishing the bank in the evening part way back in a creek with the grub and minnow and catching a few bass and crappie but nothing to brag about. It has to get better. It always does but these cold fronts followed by high pressure are not helping things any and the window where they bite is small. You can go two hours with nothing and then they bite for just a few minutes. About 4:PM has been the best for me. I like being out but yesterday was cold and windy and brutal. We will see what today brings. Stay tuned. Do not come to visit now because I said the bite was on.