These are my uncles. Now you know why we welcome Veterans here at Blackburns.
The lake level is 552.93 and has dropped 1-1/2 inch in the last 24-hours with 3/4 of a generator running since last evening at 8:pm. The White River at Newport is 3.97 feet so they are not letting out much anywhere. The weather has changed a little. One day I was scuba diving in 75-degrees ambient temperatures and the next it is struggling to get to 40 and trying to melt the one inch of some white stuff on the ground that I am not familiar with nor wish to see any more of. We still have several guests visiting but the smart fishermen either cancelled or went home. They were not prepared with their heavy winter gear and said they did not hate the fish that bad. It is not to warm up for the next week past the low 40's. Most of the stuff is gone already with the ground temperature being so warm and it cannot go away fast enough for me. Some people say it is beautiful and they should move back north where it is really beautiful. I lived in Maine an Minnesota and have had enough of the so called beauty. I like green. No more cross country skiing, snowmobiling, snow shoeing and ice fishing for me. This is January weather and by then I will have all of my electric clothing charged up and be more mentally ready for this, but not now. I need some global warming and slide into this slowly. Some people wanted it to cool down so the fish would bite better and they should be really biting now. Some that are looking out the window drinking coffee in the morning and still looking in the evening drinking wine enjoy this. I do not drink either one and need to do some outside work. There should be no argument about whether the lake is turning over or not now. There has not been a thermocline since early October and I am pretty sure one is not forming now. I have a dozen rental boats on the dock and am on my way to lower the lifts and trim and put the lower units into the water to prevent them from freezing and breaking. This is not usually done until later this month to change the oil and check for water. I will let you know the water temperature but putting ice cubes in a drink do not usually warm it up much. I need to see the number 50. I do not even like to start up my boat when it is below freezing. It is old also and does not like it very much either.